CornerHouse's Response to COVID-19

The safety of our clients, staff and partners is CornerHouse’s primary concern.  We have taken several steps to slow the spread of COVID-19.

Impact on Direct Services

  1. As always, we request that anyone with symptoms of acute respiratory illness not come to CornerHouse.  We have instituted a flexible Paid Time Off policy that will allow any staff to stay home when ill.  We request that investigators notify all those referred to CornerHouse of this policy, and inquire about symptoms of acute respiratory illness, such as fever, coughing, sneezing, and shortness of breath.  Those who have been symptom-free for 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing or other symptom-altering medicines, are welcome to return to CornerHouse.

  2. If a client or caregiver arrives at CornerHouse and appears to have symptoms of acute respiratory illness such as the COVID-19 coronavirus, CornerHouse will recommend that the multidisciplinary team create a safety plan for the child and reschedule the forensic interview after the client and caregiver have recovered. 

  3. Family services staff will be in communication with weekly therapy and case management clients/families and will ask that children not attend sessions if they are presenting with symptoms or if they believe someone in their household is presenting with symptoms and sessions can resume after they have recovered.

  4. CornerHouse will offer all visitors hand-washing opportunities with soap and water, as well as hand sanitizer.

  5. CornerHouse has intensified our cleaning routine.  We are regularly cleaning and disinfecting common areas, toys, team rooms, and frequently touched surfaces such as tables, handrails, and doorknobs.

  6. CornerHouse will continue monitoring the situation closely and will make program adjustments as necessary.

Impact on Training and Events

  1. We know that gathering for events and trainings may be of concern for our partners. CornerHouse will continue to monitor the situation and follow any future ordinances regarding gatherings and large events.

  2. For any training or event hosted by CornerHouse, we will adhere to an intense cleaning routine before and after people gather in a common space. Hand washing opportunities and hand sanitizer will be made available.

  3. Offsite venues in which CornerHouse events are hosted have been contacted to ensure the venue’s adherence to strict cleaning and hygiene measures.

  4. CornerHouse will discourage direct physical contact during trainings and events such as handshaking or hugs, and instead encourage greeting one another with a wave or elbow bump.

General information
Information for families
Information for youth
Minnesota information
Handshake alternatives

Questions about COVID-19? Call the MDH COVID-19 Hotline at 651-201-3920 Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
